速報APP / 娛樂 / TVRC - TV Runtime Calculator

TVRC - TV Runtime Calculator





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本


TVRC - TV Runtime Calculator(圖1)-速報App

Calculate the time you spent with watching TV Series.

- Add a series with its title and the number of seasons you watched

- The total time you spent with watching TV series is displayed on top of the main screen

TVRC - TV Runtime Calculator(圖2)-速報App

- Browse all series you added

- For each series: Title, Number of watched seasons,and the time you spent with this specific series (over the cover)

- Click on a series and either delete it or increase the number of seasons you watched

TVRC - TV Runtime Calculator(圖3)-速報App

App is inspired by tiii.me

Used Permissions:

- Write external storage: save cover image on the phone

TVRC - TV Runtime Calculator(圖4)-速報App

- Internet: fetch information about the series

Hint: Edited screenshots to match the Developer Program Policies

Keyword: binge watch, tv series

TVRC - TV Runtime Calculator(圖5)-速報App